Banner image ''thardwardy''


hello! I'm Ted, known online as thardwardy (that's thardwardy with a lowercase t), and welcome to the fourth iteration of my website!

as I'm sure you can tell it's very much not finished yet, but don't worry! I will probably finish it this time.....maybe..

link to me!

or don't, up to you


updates blog

2024-03-05 - turns out the hits counter doesn't work on old versions of Safari (tested on Safari 9) womp womp

2024-02-29 - added a hits counter with nekoweb's API. updates every hour and always says 'th'. a broken clock is right 7 times out of 10 or something

2024-02-26 - basic design has been established, probably not final but knowing me I won't be arsed to change it :P

2024-02-25 - is born! nekoweb launched today and I got motivated to start v4 of my site (finally)